輕鬆預備N班小貼士 – ULTIMAMA Community

輕鬆預備N班小貼士 – ULTIMAMA™ Community



PLAYING: 輕鬆預備N班小貼士 – ULTIMAMA™ Community

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想小朋友學得精靈 輕鬆預備N班面試? 記憶⼒ 觀察⼒ 語⾔⼒ 專注力 神經鞘磷脂 膽鹼 葉黃素 鐵質 認知發展 (18個月測試表現) 含DHA A組BB 不含DHA B組BB 出世首年飲用的配方奶 專注力(9個月測試表現) 出世頭9個月飲用的配方奶 神經鞘磷脂攝取量 首兩年測試表現 參與臨床研究的BB 早期飲用含較多神經鞘磷脂的配方奶 ULTIMAMA真實分享 寶寶學習力展現的喜悅 估唔到BB咁快叫第一聲媽咪 一首歌,唱幾次,佢就記得晒 BB手抱已經認得爸爸媽媽 佢好細個就自己靜靜睇書啦


  1. Wiedeman AM et al. ESPGHAN 52nd Annual Meeting. 2019;68(suppl 1):1001.
  2. Drover JR et al. Early Hum Dev. 2011;87(3):223-230.
  3. US Institute of Medicine. Dietary referenced intakes for thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, folate, vitamin B12, pantothenic acid, biotin, and choline. 1998.
  4. Zeisel SH. J Am Coll Nutr. 2004;23(6):621S-626S.
  5. Baker RD et al. Pediatrics. 2010; 126 (5):1040-1050.
  6. Koletzko B et al. J Perinat Med. 2008;36:5-14.
  7. Stringham JM et al. Curr Dev Nutr. 2019;3:nzz066.
  8. Hauser J et al. APPSPGHAN 2018 Program and Abstract book. 2018. Abstract PP-N-03.
  9. Colombo J et al. Pediatr Res. 2011;75(4):406-410. 
  10. Drover JR et al. Early Hum Dev. 2011;87(3):223-230. Infants were randomized to two formula feeding for the first 12 months of life. Group A: 0.32% - 0.96% fatty acids from DHA (n = 89); Group B: no DHA (n = 28). Mental Development Index score at 18 months: Group A 104.1 vs. Group B 98.4 (p = 0.002).
  11. Colombo J et al. Pediatr Res. 2011;75(4):406-410. Infants were randomized to two formula feeding for the first 12 months of life. Group A: 0.32% + 0.64% fatty acids from DHA + ARA (n = 32); Group B: no DHA or ARA (n = 31). Proportions of time spent in sustained attention at 9 months: Group A 0.412 vs. Group B 0.298 (p = 0.035).
  12. Schneider N et al. eNeuro. 2019; 6(4): 1-13. Infants who received infant nutrition products for the first 3 months of life (n = 88) were assessed using the verbal developmental quotient, where sphingomyelin (SM) content was also quantified retrospectively. Higher levels of SM were associated with higher rates of change in verbal development (r = 0.65, p < 0.001)

查詢熱線:2599 8870 重要聲明:建議在嬰兒出生的首六個月內進行純母乳餵哺,然後引入足夠營養的輔食,以及持續母乳餵哺到兩歲或更長時間。寶寶的生長速度各有不同;請向您的醫護專業人員查詢有關寶寶開始接受本產品的適當時間。WYETH®️及惠氏®️為Wyeth LLC.之註冊商標,授權下使用。 




寶寶滿月,在這一個月裡發生了許多難忘又珍貴的回憶,如:陪月員照顧起居飲食、催乳、媽媽谷奶、 餵夜奶、 記錄寶寶飲奶情況 、紥肚 媽媽坐完月出關、攞出世紙 、帶寶寶去健康院打針 、母嬰健康院檢查 、食薑醋 、滿月酒 。父母可以把這些片段紀錄下來,集合成寶寶的成長日誌。

產後1個月 - BB滿月了!頸部開始穩固,五感發展迅速

產後1個月 - BB滿月了!頸部開始穩固,五感發展迅速

寶寶滿月,頸部開始穩固。控制頸部活動的腦中樞神經,開始逐漸發達,頭部雖仍不能靈活轉動,但寶寶可以伏在床上,把頭部左右轉動。寶寶開始能夠伸直和曲起手肘,並有節奏地搖動;隨著手部活動增多,寶寶會開始吸吮手指,次數更會變得愈來愈頻密。此外,寶寶能夠伸直雙腳並靈活擺動,媽媽可以扶著寶寶的腋下,讓寶寶的腳板嘗試踏在床上。 寶寶在各種感官發展迅速,無論視力、聽力、觸覺等都會受外來刺激而開始發達。

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